We strive to provide the best prices in the industry with upfront clear honesty!
While we sometimes have available promotions/sales/discount, our coupons and promotions have limitations, restrictions and exclusions for reasons beyond our control. We have provided an explanation of our terms and conditions for Promotions, Offers and Coupons. These T&C generally apply to all unless specified otherwise.
- May Exclude certain brands/items, which are noted below, not eligible for coupons or promotions.
- Excludes CLOSEOUT items, gift certificates and / or gift cards
- Excludes Sales tax, shipping & handling and other charges.
- Cannot be redeemed for cash, gift certificates, Reward Points or gift cards.
- Cannot be combined with any other coupons, discounts, offers, or promotions.
- Not valid on prior purchases.
- Valid on in-stock items only.
- No rain checks issued.
- If you return a portion of your purchase, the prorated discount associated with those items will be lost or forfeited.
- If your coupon or promotion has minimum purchase requirement, Taxes, Shipping & Handling and Other Charges do not apply towards minimum purchase amount.
i.e. Certain regular priced items may not qualify for a promotion for "10% off regular priced Items". This may be caused by several factors including shipping cost, certain items under $50 already qualify for free shipping or manufacturers MAP policy. These brands are listed below.
Brands/items not included In ADDITIONAL promotions/sales/discounts/coupons:
* Brands/Items may be removed or added without notice.
While there are only very few of these brands/items, we apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding! If you have any questions/concerns, please Contact us.